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Stroke of Midnight: Future Fairytales Page 2
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Yes, his eyes look exactly like the King's, for that matter so does his entire face. I know for a fact that Kings are very fussy about their person and it is decidedly uncustomary to overstep personal and physical boundaries. In truth, I don't belong here. I am only a guest and an unannounced one at that. I have no excuse for running inside a royal palace. I'm not expected to answer the door. They probably have butlers for that. Yet, in my haste to find out the cause of all that commotion I bound through the doors and literally ran into the King. As his nostrils flare, I wonder if this constitutes assault and battery.
How can I reverse this horrible first impression?
Feeling like a complete idiot, I lift both hands away from his royal chest and take a lunging step back with my right foot and bend my knee to bow. Then I pop back up and stammer with most of my hair covering my face, "Your Royal Highness. I am Cyndi Burton. Half-sister to Dora West who is newly engaged to Prince Rupert. He invited her family here for a visit."
"Yes, I am aware of my brother's impertinence. Meeting you is an experience. I hope the others in your family are less forward and more traditional. Would you mind telling me where I might find my brother, Prince Rupert?" Something passes across his mouth, it seems to wobble. He pauses for me to answer, lifting one eyebrow while his eyes pierce me through.
His voice is carefully modulated but I can tell he is filled with impatience. He just called Prince Rupert impertinent. I guess the prince isn't allowed much autonomy in his life. Suddenly I have more sympathy for Prince Rupert.
"Prince Rupert is outside with my mother and sisters. He said something about taking them for a walk in the gardens. Is everything all right?"
I'm surprised to see the amount of disdain he's failing to hide from me. The King clears his throat but his voice comes out strained. "Oh, it's nothing to worry about at all. I simply need to speak with Prince Rupert about this whole, well, you know."
This sets me on edge. What exactly is he saying? "This whole what?"
Obviously I should have held my tongue and remembered that Kings are never spoken to in this way. I doubt any woman speaks to him directly much less likely anyone else, besides. The color of his eyes goes from gray to granite and the edges of his eyes crinkle. Is that amusement? Does he think I am just an overgrown child?
"Surely you must understand this from my perspective. Your sister intends to marry up. Our kingdom, though not as prominent so some, is well established. How can they possibly know each other in such short time? Of her beauty I can be assured. I am equally sure that she is scheming and cold. My brother is no prize that she can claim like winning the lottery. I have a kingdom to protect."
I could feel my body grow face hotter by the second. I needed to vent so that I wouldn't combust. "My sister may be many things but never scheming and cold. You think Dora tricked or calculated to get the Prince to propose to her?"
The King is thoroughly unaffected. He raises an eyebrow with smug disinterest. "Do you have a more plausible theory?"
"Yes. They are in love."
The King shuts his eyes slowly. "You are either naive, or you think I am."
"I might call you many things, your Highness, but naive is not one of them."
"Then you admit that you are thoroughly unqualified to pass judgments?"
"That's not what I said. It only appears to you that I made such an admission because you have such limited perspective."
"Limited perspective? You do understand that I run an entire kingdom, don't you? And that my, as you put it, 'limited perspective,' has not only saved my kingdom from economic collapse, but has allowed it to thrive?"
"I do not doubt your business acumen, your Highness. It is your understanding of interpersonal relationships that I question."
"Says the co-conspirator to the gold digger," he murmurs.
That's it. I balled my hands into fists. This King has gone too far. "Say what you will about me, but what I hate most is people who misinterpret my family. I know their short comings but I will not have them slandered by others."
King Petros' eyes go wide for a moment and he licks his lips, careful to choose his next words as he looks around the room. His gray eyes dart from one place to the next. "I don't know what you would want me to call it, but believe me, your sister isn't the first woman who's tried to seduce my brother. He's had dozens of lovers, so I'm not exactly sure how your sister has made it this far."
I bristle at the very thought of Dora being 'the one who's gotten this far.' Who the hell does he think he's talking to, exactly? "Well, when you say it like that it sounds so utterly romantic," I drawl sarcastically.
"That's funny, because I don't find scheming and taking advantage of others particularly romantic."
"Listen, I don't claim to be overjoyed by this engagement, but at least I'm there for my sister and want to see her happy," I hiss at him, feeling like I'm ready to throw down.
Say something about Dora one more time, I think to myself. I dare you.
I'm about to say something that I'm sure to regret when my brother walks into the study with a curvaceous beautiful woman proudly linked by his arm. That same dark haired beauty I'd seen on the gossip news segment last night. I immediately shift my focus to him, somewhat surprised to see a genuine smile on his face.
"Petros, what a wonderful surprise! I didn't realize we were to be expecting you." My brother's jovial, hearty tone throws me off. When was the last time he sounded so... upbeat?
But that doesn't deter me from being put off guard by the coterie of females who come with them. I remember hearing there were other daughters and a mother. What had my brother been thinking to invite them all to stay on palace grounds. I needed to talk with my brother. Instead, I was surrounded by the very problem I needed to discuss with him.
And their gazes were zeroing in on me.
Rupert finally acknowledges me. "I'd like to introduce you to Dora West, my fiancée. Dora, this is my brother, King Petros."
The beautiful outspoken lady in his arms detaches herself from my brother and comes at me like a heat seeking missile.
"Brother!" The woman I've never met before lets out a shriek that causes all of the palace hounds to howl and hurls herself into my arms.
"Oh," she cries, rubbing her nose into the Lithuanian silk of my shirt. "I've heard so much about you. It's as if I've known you all my life."
That's funny, because I've never heard of you and I quite prefer it that way. I wanted to call the palace guards, but there were so many women present. And a child.
"There, there." I pat her back. She doesn't take the hint. I gently start to push her away but she growls and attaches herself with even more force, locking her hands around my torso and squeezing with an octopus-like vigor.
"Oh, Petie!" she wails.
Petie? Who the hell is Petie?
She continues her mournful song. "I've always wanted a brother."
That's funny, because I've never wanted a sister.
"That's quite enough," I mutter, looking up to find Cyndi staring at me with an irritating I told you so manner. Her arms are crossed and one delicate brow lifts as if to say 'What now?'
"Rupert," I say in the most even tone I can manage. "Can you call off your...woman?" Just barely, I repress my urge to say dog.
"Down girl!" Rupert laughs halfheartedly. I think my brother is enjoying this farce even more than she is.
The woman jumps up and down, but does not let go. "But I'm saying hello! I want to leave a good impression on my new brother!"
"You've left quite the impression already," I tell her.
She looks up at me with rabid eyes. "Really?"
"Rest assured you have," I tell her. "Now, go back to your spot."
"Yes. I might get jealous, you know! I want some attention too!" Rupert sings.
With a cry that gets the hounds back to barking, she dislodges herself and flies into my brother's arms. He twirls her around, lopsided,
completely oblivious to the priceless heirlooms surrounding them.
"Where are your manners. Show him your curtsey, dear."
"Dora, shame on you for monopolizing the King." Gwendolyn says with a high pitched laugh. "You haven't met my other daughter, Victoria, Tori among her friends. She's not spoken for." Gwendolyn thrusts the girl forward by the small of her back, launching the poor girl into my chest.
"Look how well you are getting along and you've just been introduced." Gwendolyn gives me a wide smile and a wink. With all that mascara it looks like a grimace.
"Where are your manners, Tori? Show him how I taught you to curtsey, dear." Tori falters and then drops into a curtsey so deep she disappears into her skirts. When she rises, it's like a sturdy Venus emerges out of a pool of water. She stands stock still before the me until I reach for her hand and bring it to my lips.
"A pleasure to meet you, Victoria."
"The pleasure is ours, your Highness," says Gwendolyn who steps forward and takes such a deep curtsey that she grabs Tori's elbow to stand back up. This yanks Tori's hand out of mine.
"What an arresting family. And who might you be?" I ask dreading that she is going to launch herself into my chest.
She giggles, puts her hand over their chest, "No, I'm not their sister." Answering a question i did not ask or would not have asked.
"I'm their mother, silly." She gives me a wink. Her heavy mascara makes it look more like a grimace. "You must call me Gwendolyn." Her high pitched laughter meant to mimic crystal chimes but pierces my ears like broken glass.
It's as if Rupert completely overlooks the strange menagerie he has invited into the palace He's utterly transfixed by the beautiful female on his arm. He fails to see the avid delight of Gwendolyn and the wide eyed expression of Tori, who looks like a child given the keys to the candy store. The actual child who brings up the rear appears to be the most appealing one of the lot. No doubt in time she will follow in the footsteps of that mother.
Prince Rupert gives Dora a deep kiss and then says, "Dora has captured my heart most completely. "
"I gathered that."
Rupert cannot manage to lift his gaze from his future bride's eyes while he speaks to me. "Yes, it has been quite a whirlwind for everyone involved, dare I say. But I wouldn't have it any other way."
"My my. That is quite a recommendation. My dear brother usually makes a habit to fall in love once a season, but perhaps never so instantaneously before.
"Welcome to Delta Ohr."
Gwendolyn looks around at all her daughters and realizes that she has missed an introduction.
"Last and perhaps least is my step daughter, dear Charlotte. Her mother died giving birth to her and I'm afraid she hasn't expected much out of life since then. But I am nothing if not generous. Both she and Cyndi are also a part of our little family."
I am shocked to hear such words come from a mother and lean forward to give Charlotte a careful perusal. She seems sound and fit, her candid dark brown eyes look directly back at me.
"Do you like to swim or read, child?"
"Oh yes, more than anything."
"You will enjoy your stay. We have an outdoor pool, a garden and a library with books from all over the universe."
I notice that Cyndi makes an inadvertent murmur which she covers up with a quick remark. "That's sure to make at least two of us happy."
Prince Rupert announces, "I think we should convene at the dining room within the hour. I have spoken with the chef and he promises to make us all a celebratory meal to remember. I hope this suits your schedule, Petros?"
Although their proposed marriage date is not far off, I may as well play along at least for a few days. Nothing will persuade me this disaster of a wedding must not happen in the first place.
I barely notice he's asked me a question and after a long pause I nod. Yes, sitting around the table I may find out many things. Good food and excellent wine bring out so much more than anyone suspects. I will watch how Rupert and Dora behave. I shudder at spending so much time in the company of Gwendolyn but my duty is bound to my brother and my country. If I have to dine with swine, so be it.
The females all start to make their way outside the study. Prince Rupert has an attendant show them to the Dowager's wing where they may all refresh themselves and get ready for dinner. I want to cover my ears at the noise of them all talking at once. I notice Cyndi takes Char by the hand and quietly talks with her. It gives me the impression that Cyndi is more the mother to Char than Gwendolyn, despite what the step mother suggests.
After getting settled into the Dowager's wing at the far end of the palace, Char and I take off to go find the pool. I'm dressed for swimming but I need to take my mind off of everything and dive into a beloved book. I'm reading the last chapter of Pride and Prejudice while Char is happily floating on a pool chaise and drinking lemonade. I've never seen her so happy.
I turn a page and notice a little old woman coming towards the pool. I stand and say hello and she gives me the most charming smile. Her blue eyes crinkle into crescents and her face folds back like curtains opening up to the morning sun.
"You don't need to get up. I've come to get to know two of our new guests. You can call me Maggie. I'm Petros and Rupert's fraternal grandmother."
"Oh, you must have had to vacate your wing to make room for all of us! We are so sorry to put you out." I am suddenly consumed by shame and confusion.
"I have never lived in that wing. King Petros' father built the extension to the palace so I might have a place that was truly my own. He thought I would want peace and quiet at times. I pretended to be thrilled but really, I have never spent the night there. It is a lovely place to have teas and ladies' luncheons however. Dear me, now I've interrupted your reading."
I can't help but smile at her thoughtfulness. The sound of her voice is musical and soft with a little quaver, probably from age. "I'm relieved to hear that. No, I'm happy for your intrusion. I must have read this book fifty times, it's an old favorite."
"You enjoy reading the same things over and over?" she notes, sitting up. "Don't you itch to to read anything new? With all the multitude of books in the world, you read something again for the umpteenth time. If you ask me, that's a waste."
I'm surprised by her frank response so I respond in the same manner. "Books cost too much."
She clucks her tongue and stands up with her little hand outstretched. "May I show you something?"
She's already walking away and I call out to Char, "Just stay on that float, I'll be back soon." I hurry to catch up with her. "Where are you taking me?"
The little dowager says nothing but I follow her up a small flight of stairs. We turn and make our way along a circular landing with half a dozen doors coming off of it. For a moment I almost feel like we are about to enter a labyrinth. She selects the door on the right hand. "I think you might appreciate this."
I step into a room shaped like an upside down ice cream cone. The room is round with a circlet of small windows at the top of the walls. Above those windows is a dome that is more skylight than ceiling. The light pours into this majestic space but it's amazing structure is not what I find the most intriguing. Not at all.
It's the way the walls are lined with shelves, from the floor to sixteen feet up, stuffed with hundreds of books. I've entered an exquisite jam-packed library.
The white and gold veined marble floor is mesmerizing and intricate. In the middle of the room is a plush circular rug with just enough space for high backed armchair and a long necked reading lamp.
Any book lover would find this room fascinating. "Oh my gosh," I say in a hushed voice that would be suitable for church. I wander like a lost soul, staring all around me, unable to decide whether to look up or down or stop and study the shelves. I simply walk and touch the spines of these books, giving my fingers, eyes and feet a chance to absorb this miracle of a room.
"I can't believe you have shown me this.
Is it possible for me to stay here for awhile?"
The little woman smiles and giggles. "I had a feeling you would enjoy this room."
"Mm-hmm. And does this little room belong to a man who wears a crown?" I ask, unable to keep the smile off my face.
"Yes. It's one of them anyway. I just thought you deserved to read a new book and now you have no excuse."
I laugh. "How delightful. But it may be hard to chose one from all of these. Are you sure this is alright? For me to be in here?"
"Of course. The room was built for the book lover. Let me leave you to enjoy yourself. I'll go back and stay with Char at the pool. Don't worry about her. I have only raised boys but I always longed to watch after a young girl. Just remember you have only a couple of hours before dinner."
She gives me another warm smile and shuts the door, leaving me alone in this magnificent library.
I circle the wall of books and discover they are not in alphabetical order. I try to find some rhyme or reason to the cataloging. I'm on tiptoe trying to read the titles in a shelf just above my head when I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I spin around, startled.
"Sorry to scare you." It's King Petros. His mouth is twisted into what looks like a sneer on his handsome face. Lord, now I have stepped in it twice today. Give me direction and courage, I tell myself.
"Hello again." I purposefully avoid using his formal title and make no curtsey either. I am acutely aware that making a curtsey in a bikini would look absurd. I imagine, given how I am dressed, that he will take the hint that I obviously wish to browse to my heart's content--alone.
"I see you found my library. I didn't realize the extent of your interests and how closely they intersect with your young sister's. What did she say, swimming and reading?"